APRIL FOOL’S DAY


It is also called as: All Fool’s Day or The Feast of the Holy Innocents. 
It is celebrated the 1st of April. 

During this day, people play jokes on friends and families and eveng big companies on society are joining to this tendency. Although it is not a national holiday, people celebrate it throughout their day trip.
But… What is the origin of April Fool’s Day?

It has to do with the calendar we use nowadays. In the Middle age until 1582, they celebrated New Years on April First, because of they used Julian Calendar. But, Pope Gregory XIII brought Gregorian Calendar (the one we are have today).

So this is the reason why we celebrate the enter of the year the first of January. But in 1582, English people still celebrated the beginning of the year on the April first instead of 1st January. The facts were multiples, poorer communication, ideologic ideas…

Here I will show show of the jokes that big companies played:

1957 BBC: The spaghetti tree hoax is a famous 3-minute hoax report broadcast on April Fools’ Day 1957 by the BBC current affairs programme Panorama.

2001: National Geographic, the photo of the year titled ‘ A shark attacking a helicopter’.

2005: Google advertised a drink, apparently these drinks would increase your intelligence, sense of humour, love … It was called ‘        

Google Gulp!

2019: Google Tulips, decoding the language of flowers has been a decades-long challenge.

That’s all folks! I hope you enjoy it  See you soon!